Forms & Documents

Waiver Forms for Minors

Waiver for Minors

Medical Authorization Forms for Minors

The Minor’s Medical Authorization is required for minors attending events without their legal guardian present.  This form can be filled out for a date range (ex. a year) for your convenience.

Minor’s Medical Authorization – This version has space for a notary.  No locations within the East Kingdom require this form to be notarized and it is not required for participation at these events.  However, larger events (ex. Pennsic) and events in states/regions/territories outside the East (ex. Florida) may require this form be notarized.  If travelling or unsure, check with the event steward and local laws.

Background Checks

Forms related to background checks are sent by the Youth Clerk or Deputy Youth Clerk once contact has been made with the East Kingdom Chancellor Minor.  Please email the East Kingdom Chancellor Minor at if you are interested in serving as either a Chancellor Minor or a Youth Officer at Large. They will help you begin the warranting process.

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